Autoimmune Brain Panel™

Case Study #1

17-year-old female with motor abnormalities and neuropsychiatric symptoms
Symptoms improved with antibiotic treatment

Presenting Symptoms: Seizures, obsessive/compulsive symptoms, poor concentration, emotional lability, aggression, sensory and motor abnormalities, gradually worsening over several days.

Course of Illness: Relapsing and remitting course

Diagnosis: Epilepsy; Disorder of immune mechanism; Personal history of other diseases of the digestive system; Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency; Fatigue; Sleep problems.

Medical History: Known immune deficiency with multiple previous infections from organisms including Borrelia, Bartonella, C. Albicans, C. pneumoniae, HHV6, Staph, Strep, Mycoplasma pneumonia.

Family History: Positive for autoimmune disorders and allergies.

Pre-Treatment Cunningham Panel™ results: Elevated anti-Dopamine D1 autoantibodies 4,000 (normal range 500-2,000); normal anti-Dopamine D2L autoantibodies 4,000 (normal range 2,000-8,000); elevated anti-Lysoganglioside GM1 autoantibodies 640 (normal range 80-320); elevated anti-Tubulin autoantibodies 2,000 (normal range 250-1,000); elevated CaMKII 165 (normal range 53-130).

Treatment: Antibiotics, with additional nutraceuticals.

Status: Neurological symptoms significantly improved following treatment.

Post-Treatment Cunningham Panel™ results: Normal anti-Dopamine D1 autoantibodies 1,000 (normal range 500-2,000); normal anti-Dopamine D2L autoantibodies 2,000 (normal range 2,000-8,000); normal anti-Lysoganglioside GM1 160 (normal range 80-320); borderline anti-Tubulin autoantibodies 1,000 (normal range 250-1,000); elevated CaMKII 146 (normal range 53-130).


Anti-Dopamine D1 Receptor Autoantibodies — 4,000 (elevated)

Anti-Dopamine D2L Receptor Autoantibodies — 4,000 (normal)

Anti-Lysoganglioside GM1 Autoantibodies — 640 (elevated)

Anti-Tubulin Autoantibodies — 2,000 (elevated)

CaMKinase II — 165 (elevated)


Anti-Dopamine D1 — 1,000 (normal)

Anti-Dopamine D2L — 2,000 (normal)

Anti-Lysoganglioside GM1 — 160 (normal)

Anti-Tubulin — 1,000 (borderline)

CaMKinase II — 146 (elevated)

17-year-old girl with a history of immune deficiency and recurrent infections, presenting with multiple neurologic and psychiatric symptoms worsening over several days. Pre-treatment Autoimmune Brain Panel™ showed elevations in antineuronal antibodies and CaMKII enzyme indicating likely active infection. Responded well to treatment with antimicrobials and supplements.
Patient Symptomatic

Patient symptoms pre-treatment consistent with elevated autoantibodies to Dopamine D1 (anxiety, sleep problems, emotional lability, aggression) and elevated anti-Tubulin antibodies (obsessive-compulsive symptoms, poor concentration), and elevated CaMKII (seizures, sensory and motor abnormalities).

Cunningham Panel pretest for autoimmune epilepsy
Symptom Resolution

Patient and parent estimate approximately 90% resolution of neurologic and psychiatric symptoms after treatment with antibiotics.

Cunningham Panel posttest for autoimmune epilepsy

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