Integrative Approaches to Treating Children with PANDAS and PANS

Webinar Info
- Speaker: Amy Joy-Smith, RN, MSN, NP
- Aired: March 24, 2023
This webinar will examine various integrative approaches to treating children and adolescents with Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Strep infections (PANDAS) and Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS). It will also include case studies and discuss how the Panel is utilized to assist in diagnosis and treatment.
In this webinar, Amy Joy-Smith, NP reviews various integrative approaches to treating children with PANS and PANDAS.
Scroll through the video to watch specific chapters. Click below.
9:15 – Survey of PANS children – history of prior illness
13:07 – Trailer for “My kid is not crazy”
16:54 – Do kids grow out of PANDAS and PANS?
27:32 – Video: child with PANDAS shares her thoughts
29:18 – Working kids up for PANDAS/PANS
32:09 – Case study – child with autism
33:30 – Treatment principles for PANDAS/PANS
37:54 – Yeast and Fungal Infections
Amy Joy Fishman-Smith, RN, MSN, NP
Amy is a Nurse Practitioner specializing in Functional Medicine at Integrative Medical Institute of Orange County, in southern California. She is a renowned pioneer in the PANDAS front who limits her work exclusively to PANS/PANDAS/Lyme cases, and takes a holistic approach to medicine with experience as a clinical nutritionist.
She serves on the PANDASNetwork.org Board of Directors and was the lead organizer of the West Coast PANDAS/PANS Parent Symposiums in 2012 and 2014. Amy has spoken at many conferences and clinical trainings around the country and abroad. Like many providers that see children with PANDAS/PANS, Amy works with patients from around the world.
Amy has practiced functional and nutritional medicine since the early 1980′s and has studied with a number of pioneers in the field. She attended Syracuse University School of Nursing where she received her BSN in Maternal-Child Nursing, and all of her acute care and hospital experience is in pediatrics. While currently she is working with all ages of patients, Amy has a passion for working with children and teens. At the University of Minnesota, she was a Fellow in the World Health Organization’s renowned Adolescent Health Training Program Medical School, and in addition to being a Nurse Practitioner, has a Master’s Degree in Adolescent Health with a focus on Youth Development and Community Health. She loves educating patients and families and has extensive experience in community education and program development for families as well as vulnerable youth populations.
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